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axpro ds
  1. HikVision-Hrvatska DS-PDHT-E-WE



    The DS-PDHT-E-WE is a high-quality detector from the HIKVISION AXPRO series. It falls under the category of detectors, providing efficient security solutions for various applications. Designed with advanced technology, this detector offers reliable performance and accurate detection capabilities.

    Key Features:

    • Advanced detection capabilities
    • High-quality construction
    • Reliable performance
    • Designed for various applications
    • Compatible with HIKVISION AXPRO systems
    • Easy installation and setup

    The DS-PDHT-E-WE detector is a valuable addition to any security system. Its advanced detection capabilities ensure accurate and timely alerts, helping to enhance the overall security of your premises. With its high-quality construction, this detector is built to withstand different environmental conditions and deliver long-lasting performance.

    Whether you need to secure your home, office, or any other commercial space, the DS-PDHT-E-WE detector is designed to cater to various applications. Its compatibility with HIKVISION AXPRO systems ensures seamless integration and optimal functionality.

    Installing and setting up the DS-PDHT-E-WE detector is hassle-free, making it convenient for both professional installers and DIY enthusiasts. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls allow for easy configuration, ensuring a smooth and efficient security system setup.

    Please note that the Saznajte više

    150,00 EUR
  2. HikVision-Hrvatska DS-PDB-IN-Wristband
    Opis proizvoda: DS-PDB-IN-Wristband je pametna narukvica koja se može koristiti s HIKVISION AXPRO sustavom. Ova narukvica omogućuje korisnicima da brzo i jednostavno pristupe svim funkcijama sustava bez potrebe za nošenjem ključeva ili kartica. DS-PDB-IN-Wristband je izrađena od visokokvalitetnih materijala koji će osigurati dugotrajnost i trajnost proizvoda. Narukvica se lako postavlja na ruku i udobna je za nošenje tijekom cijelog dana. Ova pametna narukvica je idealna za upotrebu u različitim okruženjima, uključujući poslovne zgrade, škole, bolnice i druga mjesta koja zahtijevaju sigurnost i kontrolu pristupa. DS-PDB-IN-Wristband je savršen dodatak HIKVISION AXPRO sustavu i pruža korisnicima praktičnost i jednostavnost u upotrebi. Saznajte više
    15,00 EUR
  3. HikVision-Hrvatska Detektor ugljičnog monoksida DS-PDCO-E-WE - 10 godina



    The DS-PDCO-E-WE is a high-quality detector from the HIKVISION AXPRO series. It is designed to provide reliable detection and enhance security in various environments. With its advanced features and cutting-edge technology, this detector is a perfect choice for both residential and commercial applications.

    The DS-PDCO-E-WE detector offers exceptional performance and accuracy in detecting potential threats. It utilizes intelligent algorithms to minimize false alarms and ensure reliable detection of intrusions or unauthorized activities. With its wide detection range and adjustable sensitivity, it can effectively cover large areas and adapt to different environments.

    This detector is equipped with advanced features such as tamper detection, which alerts you if someone tries to tamper with or disable the device. It also supports remote monitoring and control, allowing you to access real-time information and manage the detector conveniently from your smartphone or computer.

    The DS-PDCO-E-WE is easy to install and configure, making it suitable for both professional installers and DIY enthusiasts. Its sleek and compact design blends seamlessly with any interior or exterior setting, ensuring a discreet and aesthetically pleasing installation.

    Trust the HIKVISION AXPRO DS-PDCO-E-WE detector to provide reliable and accurate detection, enhancing the security of your home or business. Invest in this advanced detector today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your property is well-protected.

    Saznajte više
    250,00 EUR
  4. HikVision-Hrvatska HIBRIDNA CENTALA DS-PWA96-M2H-WE
    Hibridna centrala DS-PWA96-M2H-WE je AX-PRO kompatibilna centrala koja podržava do 96 bežičnih zona i 16 žičanih zona. Ima 2 žičana izlaza i 2 izlaza napajanja (12V), te podržava do 8 bežičnih RFID čitača, 6 bežičnih sirena (3 unutrašnje + 3 vanjske) i 4 bežična repetitora. Također, podržava do 48 tagova i ima mogućnost pohrane snimki 4 zasebne kamere (7s IVAAS). Komunikacija se može ostvariti putem LAN-a, Wi-Fi-a, 3G/4G modula i 2x Micro SIM slota. Baterija 12V7Ah nije uključena u kompletu. Ova centrala omogućava rad s 1 instalaterom, 1 administratorom i do 46 korisnika. Saznajte više
    618,75 EUR
  5. -50%
    HikVision-Hrvatska PGM-5 (PM EKSPRESS)
    Opis proizvoda: PGM-5 (PM EKSPRESS) je izlazni modul za bežične uređaje koji omogućava kontrolu nad pet različitih izlaza. Tip izlaza je Solid State Relej - suhi kontakt, a predefinirani izlaz može biti N.O. ili N.C. ovisno o postavkama na DIP switchu. Potrošnja struje iznosi 100mA, a radna temperatura modula je u rasponu od 0 do 50°C. Ovaj modul je kompatibilan sa PowermaxPro, Powermax Ekspress i PowerMaster panelima, što ga čini vrlo prilagodljivim i jednostavnim za integraciju u postojeće sustave. PGM-5 (PM EKSPRESS) je idealan za korištenje u kombinaciji sa sirenama, komunikatorima i drugim proširenjima, što ga čini vrlo korisnim proizvodom za različite primjene. Saznajte više
    Normalna cijena 21,11 EUR Posebna cijena 10,56 EUR
  6. HikVision-Hrvatska Bežični čitač kartica za AxPro alarmne centrale DS-PT1-WE

        868MHz dvosmjerna komunikacija
        AES-128 enkripcija
        prednji i stražni tamper
        do 1200m (u otvorenom prostoru)
        AA baterije x3kom
        dimenzije : 75x124x21mm

    Saznajte više
    104,94 EUR
    1x PowerMax Pro alarmna centrala 1x baterija Saznajte više
    445,34 EUR
  8. HikVision-Hrvatska Bežična sirena MCS 720
    Bežična unutarnja sirena, dvosmjerna komunikacija za potpuni nadzor stanja baterija, statusa tampera Saznajte više
    130,19 EUR
  9. HikVision-Hrvatska Bežična sirena MCS 730
    Tip: Piezo sirena 1.8-3.5kHz s bljeskanjem, 110dB Saznajte više
    140,09 EUR
  10. HikVision-Hrvatska Bežična sirena MCS 730 AC
    Tip: Piezo sirena 1.8-3.5kHz s bljeskanjem, 110dB Saznajte više
    164,84 EUR
  11. HikVision-Hrvatska Visonic bezična sirena MCS 740
    Tip: Piezo sirena 1.8-3.5kHz s bljeskanjem, 110dB Saznajte više
    148,34 EUR
  12. HikVision-Hrvatska Visonic bežična sirena MCS 730AC
    Tip: Piezo sirena 1.8-3.5kHz s bljeskanjem, 110dB Saznajte više
    164,84 EUR
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13 proizvoda

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